Cisco Duo.
Protect your users against credential theft attacks by adding an extra layer of security to your users’ logins with Duo’s cloud-based two-factor authentication solution.
Multi-factor authentication to reduce risk.
Unifi can provide your users with secure and reliable access to applications with Cisco Duo, from any device on any network. The rise of mobile workers and the dawn of cloud require organisations to have multi-factor authentication to reduce risk and protect access to all applications, for any user and device.
Cisco Duo is simple to deploy and seamless to use. Cisco Duo offers 3 editions: Duo Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), Access, and Beyond – all editions are licensed per user on an annual basis.
Ready to see Cisco Duo?
Cisco Duo MFA, Access and Beyond.
The rise of mobile workers and the dawn of cloud require organizations to provide users secure and reliable access to applications from any device on any network. And that security should be simple to deploy and seamless to use. Duo’s Unified Access Security (UAS) solution offers three unique editions based on your business’ secure access needs:
Cisco Duo MFA
Mulit-factor Authentication & SSO for unlimited applications
Per user per month -
Strong User Authentication (MFA)
Single Sign on (SSO)
Cisco Duo Access
Adaptive MFA policies based on user and device risks
Per user per month
Strong User Authentication (MFA)
Single Sign on (SSO)
Unified Endpoint Visibility
Phishing Risk Assessment
Adaptive Authentication
User & Entity Behaviour Analytics (UEBA)*
Cisco Duo Beyond
Granular device policies based on device trust and user identities
Per user per month -
Strong User Authentication (MFA)
Single Sign on (SSO)
Unified Endpoint Visibility
Phishing Risk Assessment
Adaptive Authentication
User & Entity Behaviour Analytics (UEBA)*
Mobile Device Security (MDM Lite)
Device Management Status Inspection
Privileged User Remote Access (VPN Replacement)
Zero Trust Policies (NAC Replacement)